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The PTAB has been known to invalidate claims to several inventions, largely subverting the original purpose of the Patent Office. When patent holders confront such entities for infringement, they simply file for a reexamination of the patent through the PTAB. Due to the extravagant expense of defending these patents in court, many companies cut the costs of defending these patents and, eventually, Cobra decided to cut their losses, leaving the job of defending the patent to Gene alone.

Now, Gene and his family no longer receive the royalties for his invention, which makes things very difficult for his family. One of the reasons that royalty fees are so crucial to Gene and his family is that he and two of his children suffer from a progressive form of muscular dystrophy called Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy FSHD.

While Gene is an adaptive individual who continues to come up with new ideas and inventions, current patent law leaves Gene and his family wide open for unending lawsuits and the threat of losing the rights to any of his designs. Large corporations tend to hoard valuable patents, and only they have the resources to hire the lawyers and do battle in court over extended periods. By leaving inventors wide open to patent infringement, our government discourages innovation, which will ultimately affect us all.

The realities of patent infringement have led many inventors like Gene to support the Inventor Protection Act. This act, under bill H. House of Representatives in July of , and it was referred to the subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet on October 1, source.

The act also specifies that the Patent and Trademark Office cannot review an inventor-owned patent without the consent of the inventor. Furthermore, the act enables the inventor to recover monetary damages from the infringer. This bill also includes a provision for a trial of no more than seven days in length for a speedy resolution instead of a decade-long process. In short, the Inventor Protection Act will restore the Constitutional rights of the inventor.

It will empower them to defend their intellectual property, which is increasingly critical in our digital age. This simple solution can save you a ton of money on what would otherwise be an expensive plumbing job.

While it obviously cannot fix every clog or problem, at such a low cost, it is always worth a try. Just remember the next time you use that Zip-It drain cleaning Tool that it all started with a man with an idea that he was able to bring into reality. This innovative spirit is critical to our national development, and I would urge you to support the passage of the Inventor Protection Act because of it.

MercExchange, LLC In the eBay decision , the Supreme Court ruled that courts should not automatically issue injunctions due to patent infringement and that they should use a four-factor test to determine if they should issue an injunction.


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