Fun christmas gift exchange games

Again having younger family members, several of them do not know the difference between their right and their left, so if we said pass the gift left, who knows where it might end up…in essence, it just would be too complicated and possibly frustrating. So I after considering several clever ideas, I settled on a Santa Swap style of exchanging gifts. Print the game pieces in color on white cardstock.

Here is a sampling of the directions on the cards:. Cut out the gift exchange game cards on the dotted line. Place the game cards in a gift bag. But there is still a little wiggle room because if you have the card to swap with someone wearing red, you get to pick which person to go with.

This is where packaging comes in for sure so be creative with it. Once the file opens in Dropbox, click on the three dots at the top of the page and then click on Download. Let me know! Thanks for this! Some people love the stealing part and others hate it. So this is a nice alternative! Your email address will not be published.

Don't subscribe All Replies to my comments Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Then play some Christmas gifts music as you tell your guest to start passing their gifts around the circles until the music being played stops. The moment the music stops, the people with the gifts in their hands will start unwrapping them while showing the other people in the group and leaving the circle while holding their gifts.

That will be the gift they will have. Then the same can be done with a different gift and a different person till everyone in the group unwraps their gift and is out of the game. Never Have I Ever While playing this game, start by placing the gifts in a pile in the middle of the room. Then, everyone will stand in a circle around the pile and randomly grab the gifts and place them on the ground near their feet. The first person that will grab a never have I ever paper will slip it from the bowl and read it aloud.

For example, never have I ever cheated in a board game. Then, all the other people who have done what the card says will have to switch places with someone else who is not an immediate person towards the right or left while leaving their gift on the ground. It will give your group players a chance to be creative. The gifts can be baked cookies, painted items, or even artwork.

Cobweb gift exchange This game fits a small group well. You will start by purchasing some inexpensive yarn balls with different colors for each guest. When your guests arrive, start collecting their exchange gifts, then tie one end of the colored string to each package. Then choose a room where the guests are not many. Instead of simply switching gifts as you choose, you play with a custom card designed with instructions on what to do. Each card will instruct you what to do.

You can download these Free Printable cards to play here. Swappy comes with a cute white elephant that holds 20 unique game cards.

Instructions are funny and silly with a twist. Using dice to determine what happens to your gift is a fun alternative to the traditional gift exchange game. Before your guests arrive, print out the Switch, Steal or Unwrap dice instructions. Get everyone to sit in a circle and distribute the gifts so that everyone has three random gifts in front of them. You will need three dice to play this game. If you decide to only play with two gifts, then you will only need two dice.

The game ends when all the gifts are unwrapped, and then guests keep all three unwrapped gifts in front of them. You will need a dice and a card with instructions on what to do when someone rolls a certain number of the dice. This player is basically out of the game. There are two possible endings to the game. Either the game ends when all the gifts have been unwrapped and kept i.

For example, once everyone has thrown the die twice, then guests get to keep the gift in their hands. Everyone stands around a table and takes turns rolling the dice.

When someone throws doubles, they put on the oven mitts and try to unwrap the first gift. Instead of buying gifts, guests buy gift cards instead. Be sure to let everyone agree on a gift card amount so everyone gets a card of equal value.

Gift cards can usually be used at several outlets , and guests get to choose something they really want or need. You can play any of the gift exchange games with your gift cards, but I prefer the Guess The Guest or Christmas Gift Auction for this one.

Guests arrive with two wrapped gifts which are handed to the host. Give your guests equal amounts of fake money monopoly money is excellent , and then they get to bid on gifts at your Christmas Auction. Whoever wins the bid gets to unwrap and keep the gift s.

Put the same number on a piece of paper and ask the guest to write a funny or strange fact about themselves on the back. Put all the slips of paper into a box. During the distribution of gifts, have your guests draw a paper, read the statement on the back, and guess who it is about.


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