Automaton Botting without a profile. Schedule Even when you are away this bot can be scheduled to use it's products. Archaeologist An advanced Archaeology bot is included. Pets battles Quickly grind and level your pets. Fisher Advanced fishing is including that includes school or pool fishing. Party Assist the group leader to fight mobs or heal. WRotation An advanced and easily configurable rotation bot. Auction bot You tell the Auction Bot what you want to sell or buy in a set price range.
Profiles and Fight classes editor An innovative way to create quest profiles and fight classes. Our goal is to maintain a long lasting, friendly community, which will stay together for several years.
PsychoFun 2. Shady WoW 3. Rates are Blizzlike. Instant mail. Emulated Auction House. Virustotal file checking file is clean : if you can't see the image above P. Please post feedbacks - it's very important, good or bad.
Results 1 - 50 of - Mac wow gold hack 4. May 6, - The only 3. FREE Registered members see less ads and also gain access to other great features. Thank you.. Share your telelist cords on this thread so everyone can enjoy them. This tool is great if you are trying to level or trying to move fast from A to B.
As speedhacking is pretty obvious try to set Hotkeys to turn the Speedhack of at crowded places. Have a look at this picture to see the best features. I am usually only using Speedhack, Wallclimb and Falldamage. Give it a try. To download this tool, visit either or download area: repidshare 3. Getting Gold You are currently low on Gold.
However for the following steps you will need tons of gold. Right now there is a possibility to dupe items. This dupe only works with unstackable items. Go to a General Goods Vendor [ Picture 1 ]. This guide will not work if there is no "Red Ribboned Wrapping Paper" available. Get an item that is not stackable, bind on equip may not be soulbound and has a relatively high sell price. Open the vendor dialog, use your macro around 5 times.
You should then have 5 stacks of "Red ribboned Wrapping Paper" in your inventory. You now should have the item in your inventory which you want to dupe and lots of wrapping paper. Right click the "Red ribboned Wrapping Paper" and then left click the item you want to dupe.
The item is now wrapped and one of your wrapping paper stacks should be reduced from papers to Left click click the wrapped item and then left click one of your wrapping paper stacks. You should notice that you then have Wrapped Items.
Repeat step 8 as often as you want. Unpack the created stack with right click and sell the item to a vendor. Weapon Stacking This short guide shows you how you can stack the damage of weapons. The more you switch these weapons from mainhand to offhand the more they are stacking therefore the more powerful your hit will be, this may seem weird and useless but that's they way to do it and that's why we call it weapon stacking.
After your done with switching your weapons from main hand to offhand and you're ready to try it out, equip 2xThe Maelstrom's furry.