However, he said some factory owners have begun to provide monthly payments on transportation to workers and other assistance.
The workers themselves are also willing to pay extra, though they need adequate transportation to ensure safety, Pagna said. Chhorn Sophea, 37, a garment worker in Kampong Chhnang province, said the trucks she takes to work are loaded with 50 workers, with no space to sit.
In May, a truck she was riding in blew a tire and crashed, causing minor injuries among the workers. Other workers and I are concerned about our safety every day.
All rights reserved. Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association. See all results. Project aims to improve transportation for garment workers. Picture taken on October 2, Garment workers leave their workplace on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. Picture taken on September 28, The ongoing safety program is also focused on training 1, drivers in seven provinces.
Garment workers riding on a truck in Kong Pisei district. Reduced cost: Minimum number of external components reduce BOM cost, part placing and development, purchasing, handling and PCB sizing. Multiple and flexible designs: Platform approach reduces development efforts, increase time to market and reduce design costs.
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