Pretest surgery rapidshare

McPhee, Maxine A. Contents: 1. Common Symptoms 3. Preoperative Evaluation 4. Geriatric Medicine 5. Care at the End of Life 6.

Eye 8. Lung Heart Systemic Hypertension Blood Alimentary Tract Breast Gynecology Obstetrics Kidney Urology Nervous System Psychiatric Disorders Endocrinology This comprehensive collection of clinical pictures, organized by anatomical region, reflects actual clinical practice where a diagnosis has to be constructed from a single sign or a collection of signs.

Fundamental, pathognomonic, and commonly seen non-specific clinical signs are presented with clinical features highlighted for rapid recognition and interpretation. In addition, the book provides guidance on appropriate bedside clinical tests for establishing diagnoses. Author : Nicholas J. Others will be updated soon. Just click on the download link to be directed to Sendspace, Rapidshare or 4shared to download it. Sign up for a Sendspace account today!!

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